You know the story. Boy meets girl..
This cute kid is Papa Scoops. My plus one for life, permanent Valentine and best friend for-evah. He is the definition of a good man. He loves God, loves me (one of my only questions to his sanity), loves our kids, and loves his fellow man. He is joyful and hilarious, works tirelessly and has a passionate servant heart. He was blessed with the gift of gab and an infectious likability and is a friend to just about everyone who crosses his path. Five years ago, he boldly led us headfirst into the wild world of entrepreneurship when we took ownership of a struggling ice cream parlor in our small town that we renamed and rebuilt into one a fun and successful local hangout that has been able to grow and expand. He also serves on the pastor's staff in our church, sings on the worship team each Sunday, heads up the Marketing team at our local radio station, and coaches Little League. On top of all that, last year, he was also offered a partnership in another radio station in town. I know, what?! Most days, it doesn't seem altogether real to us, either. It really goes without saying, the man is a fan of hats. Fortunately for all of us, he is decidedly NOT a fan of sitting still, so everything works out great.

This is me. Veggie Mama. I am the grateful daughter of a loving Savior, wife and mama of this crazy clan. I have been blessed to be the partner and helpmate to the man of the house, and in addition to making sure our kids are fed, clothed and loved, have also been called to homeschool them. So we spend our days breathing communal oxygen and hanging out with the three Rs (none of which start with R), science projects, and paper freaking everywhere. It is an adventure that is never the same from day to day, making me ever grateful that the Lord's mercies are new every morning. I fail my way forward solely on God's good humor, lots of coffee and being able to see the hilarity and irony in most any situation.
These are our 3 kids who have flown off to find their own stories. It was hard to see them go off to their own happily ever afters, I don't imagine it's going to get any easier with the rest, but at the same time it is truly gratifying to watch their successes and see the directions and paths they choose.
Our oldest daughter Paris Pen, is 23. As her name suggests, she has a love of all things French and hopes to be a writer. She is studying this year in Orlando, Florida at Disney University. Which makes us Disney parents! How cool is that? I need to find a bumper sticker that says that...
Wheeler Dealer is 19. He is an independent spirit and loves to tell it like it is. He discovered his mafioso-like gifting at a young age and has spent the years learning about using his powers for good and to serve his fellow man constructively. He is using his post high school years to formulate his master plan for eventual world domination. Like his sister before him, he is off on his own,
discovering the air out there.
Texter is 17 and is also a kid who knows his own mind. He oozes intelligence and tries hard to resist his natural gift as a sponge for knowledge. He is in Texas this year at school, so we will be calling him Texting Texan. See what I did there?
And then there are the ones that remain...dun duh DUHHH....
Gastronosh, 16, is the oldest of the homebodies. He eats. A lot. Having been preceded by 2 brothers, I really shouldn't be as amazed by it as I am. I mean, all three of them would clean a refrigerator out in an afternoon, yet somehow, still, DANG. With that massive food consumption, he found he also had a passion for cooking, and for the past year has been able to learn from the top Italian chef in town, working as an apprentice in his restaurant. Very recently, he became a driver, as well. Of cars. Real cars. Oh. my. gosh.
We had our youngest 4 in 5 years and call them collectively the littles, the smalls, or ,depending on how taxing the week has been, the tiny band of terrorists. Mercifully, those weeks are fewer and further between as the years fly by.
Dancing Queen is 9. She is the princess, and all girl. Bieber, boy bands, and ballet all the way. Stylish in a way that has always eluded me, she leans toward anything artistic. Music, drawing, dance, and theater, this girl is creativity in pink. She also loves her role as the self appointed mini mommy of the littles.
Joker Jock is 8. He is all boy, with a natural aptitude for sports. All of them. Simultaneously. He is also our class clown and loves any opportunity for a soundbite or punchline. And dirt. The kid is a fan of dirt.
Helping Handsy is 7. She is as much one of the boys as, well, our boys. She is our gymnast that can bend more way than a hospital flexi-straw. She eats up any chance to be the helper, and any opportunity to be with mom and dad.
Super N, our baby, is 5. He is the the mellow fellow, and the much needed breath of calm after the frenzy of his siblings' crazy first years . He discovered super heroes at age 3, hates being left out of anything the big kids are doing, rarely goes a day without costume, and believes that sound effects are not optional in life. EVER. He is the completion of life in our family, has a heart of compassion, and never leaves us without a laugh.
So that is us. Don't worry, there won't be a quiz. I will continue to periodically brief Papa Scoops on middle names and birthdates of the kids...because our friends enjoy playing 'stump the ice cream man'. You, however, are safe.
See ya next time! <3 VeggieMama
Whew!!!!! Just amazing! What a great blessing to have so many to love<3 You must also be blessed with energy:)
ReplyDeleteHahaha. Oh, you are adorable. I am blessed with coffee. Coffee and grace, friend